Ethical Production


Per Paylab, an international salary survey platform, the gross salary of a seamstress working in the textile, leather, and apparel industry in Vietnam is VND 3.5M, which is roughly USD $144.24 (as of exchange rates September 21, 2023).

Assuming an 8 hour work day and 21 working days per month, the average monthly salary of a seamster/seamstress working for All Bodies is USD $366.33.

We are also proud to highlight our talented seamstresses and share their stories with our customers below:


Cô Út's hometown is Tiền Giang, Vietnam. Although her right leg has been paralysed since she was 4 years old, she is extremely talented in sewing. She specialises in sewing dresses.

Chú Hoành

Chú Hoành is from Đắc Lắc, Vietnam. He has been sewing for over 40 years, and specializes in sewing pants (he's the mastermind behind the All Bodies 100% Linen Pant!). Chú Hoành never went to school - his grandparents passed down the sewing skills he knows today. Like many others, his profession is generational

Garment manufacturing is difficult but I enjoy it because I’m hardworking and passionate about my job. It’s tiring spending a whole day putting together a pair of pants but the hard work pays off at the end when the product is completed.

Chú Hoành

Cô Mỹ Lệ

Cô Mỹ Lệ irons a garment, the last step before it's ready to be shipped to a customer.

Cô Mỹ Lệ specializes in crafting dresses - she makes the signature All Bodies 100% Linen Maxi Dress below. Her hobbies include watching Youtube and traveling during her free time.

Meet Cô Hoa

She has a whopping 45 years of experience as a seamstress!

She specializes in sewing women's tops and dresses.

Fun fact: Cô Hoa loves mentoring younger talent, and taught co-founder Yen how to sew!

Cô Vân


Cô Tâm has been a seamstress since she was 18 years old. She specialises in evening gowns.

Like many others, Cô Tâm lives in the city for work. She is a bright spirit and loves to sing in the shower!⁠

Meet Chú Hoà

Chú Hoà has beeen a seamster for 30 years now! He sews all kinds of garments - including blazers, tops, bottoms, and simple dresses. His dream is to one day own his own bespoke tailor shop.

Cô Tú

A lover of coffee and traveling. Yes please!

It's important to make work fun and enjoyable in your life!

Cô Tú