Triton Love and Friendship That Will Make Your Heart Soar

We are so excited to have our story be shared by our alma mater, UC San Diego, in their Valentine's Day special article. <3 



Close Friends to Co-Founders

Co-founders Stella Lin and Yen Tran
Stella Lin ’22, MA ’22 and Yen Tran ‘21

I met one of my closest friends, Yen Tran, at a business student organization event in 2018. After the event, she asked me if I wanted to eat at Meet Fresh and from there, our friendship grew. 

Yen is extremely hardworking, which I quickly discovered when working on group projects together for management classes. She is also one of the most selfless, genuine and thoughtful people I know. Even when social interactions became limited in 2020, she always stayed in touch—even delivering me cake on my birthday! 

We maintained close contact post-graduation, even with full-time jobs and being in cities three hours away. One day, she asked me if I wanted to start a business with her. Knowing her work ethic, I wasn't afraid to agree. After a year of planning and research, we officially launched our clothing brand, All Bodies. 

- Stella Lin ’22, MA ’22

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